Coverage For Recreational Equipment You Recently Invested In

Protect your recreational equipment with insurance coverage. This will protect against unforeseen theft and damage. Use the guidelines below to assist you.


  • Equipment value
  • Intended use
  • Storage arrangements
  • Transport essentials
  • Accessories

Your Assessment

Before you use your new recreational equipment, thoroughly assess your investments. This assessment will help you determine the amount of coverage you need. If any equipment contains mechanical components that must be maintained, you could benefit by adding these materials to your recreational insurance policy.

Intended Use

Consider how you plan to use your recreational equipment. If you plan to use your equipment on a seasonal basis, for example, you may only need insurance coverage during the months you will be operating your investments.

If you plan to use the items regularly, it may be in your best interest to purchase an insurance plan that provides coverage throughout the year.

Storage and Transport

Adequate storage and transport materials will keep your recreational equipment safe. Consider how you plan on storing your equipment, and determine if you will need to invest in a trailer or additional transport materials.

You can add the storage unit and transport essentials to your recreational insurance policy. The coverage will provide protection from theft, vandalism, and natural weather events.

Contact Jet Stream Insurance Group LLC

One of our agents who represents Jet Stream Insurance Group LLC can assist you with updating your insurance policy. Contact an agent who serves Miami Lakes, FL. They will set up an initial consultation to discuss your recreational insurance needs.