When you’re buying a new car, one thing you’ll need to consider is whether to get full coverage auto insurance. If you’re paying for your vehicle with cash, you won’t be required by a lender to get full auto coverage. Yet, this type of insurance might still be worthwhile.
The professionals at Jet Stream Insurance Group LLC, servicing Miami Lakes, FL, are here to help. If you have questions about full coverage and would like to know more about its benefits, we can answer them. Below are some of the benefits of full coverage.
1. Full Coverage Auto Insurance Protects Your Vehicle
Policies like liability only provide financial protection for the other driver’s vehicle, but not for your own. Full coverage auto insurance provides financial protection for your vehicle so that if it is damaged in a collision, your insurance can help pay to repair or replace your car.
2. Full Coverage Auto Complies With the Law
In most states, car insurance is required by law. Full coverage auto meets and exceeds the law’s requirements.
3. Full Coverage Auto Provides Roadside Assistance
Full coverage auto insurance provides roadside assistance if your car breaks down. In other words, if your car gets a flat tire, your insurance will pay to have your vehicle towed.
4. You’ll Enjoy Peace of Mind
Full coverage auto insurance provides peace of mind to the insured. With this type of policy, you can drive knowing that collisions are covered. If your vehicle is stolen, your car insurance will pay to replace it.
At Jet Stream Insurance Group LLC, servicing Miami Lakes, FL, we can answer your questions about full coverage auto insurance. Call today to make an appointment.